Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There are days in anyone's life that one just has to hang on and pray they live through the day. Well I have had my share of those days for sure. Saturday was one of those days. Some of the day was great such as going to the temple. However even at the temple, it was hard going by myself. TO understand this one must think of going to someplace they are not familiar with and you are wearing blinders on and you are expected to find your way around without any problem. I do have some vision but it is very narrow so I felt I would do fine at the temple. However, I have lost more vision than I have even admitted to myself, so it was very difficult for me to get to wear I was going. Then when I did someone asked me to give me my cane so I didn't trip someone. UGH, they helped me but it was just a feeling of helplessness that comes from having to depend on others. I decided to swalllow my pride and just enjoy the experience ad I did very uch.
Later that day I realized that my kids had done something that is not real good. and instead of saying they were sorry, they turned it aorund to somehow blame me. HOLY COW, I then went to ameeting and came home to a child who was being as grumpy as possible. I decided to just go to bed and hope for better.
Sunday was nice until the afternoon with more aggrivating attitudes, it got to a point that I had to take a walk or loose my temper. So I grabbed my cane, jacket, purse and left for a walk, well it was dark. I have no night vision at all. I started walking and realized very quickly that I had no where to go and it was not very safe for me to be out by myself in the dark. It was so frustrating that I couldn't even get myself down the street more than 100 yards. This is reality. But at times it is very frustrating. I felt I had nowhere and noone to turn to. But I was wrong The Savior is there for me and I do have a few friends that mean more to mean the gold.
A little about Retinitis Pigmentosa. RP is a digenerative(sp?) eye disease. So basically, the rods and cones in the retina are not firing correctly and pigmetn collects on the retina and where the pigment is I do not see. I have tunnerl vision which is less than 7 degrees in both eyes. Think about that, Majority of people in the US have close to 180 degrees. Dramatic huh? Well, anyway, I normally don't let it bother me but at times it does. I will eventually be totally blind. So I appreciate the vision, however limited that I do have. :) Anyway, jsut a glimpse into some of the frustration that happen. If anyone has any ideas on some good relaxation and stress relievers that don't require sight, let me know! :)


  1. find some relaxing music (praise music is a good one) sit in a quiet place in your home and just give all your heart to God.

    Another thing that is relaxing to me is taking a bubble bath. Close your eyes, clear your mind. relax

  2. Elisha, both of those are great ideas, thank you. It's funny, usually music is something i turn to, but for some reason in the state of mind i was in, music was the furthest thing form my mind. Thanks for the reminder, You are right, turning my mind towards the God is always a good thing. :)
