Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Asperger in bad moods

Well, I founded this blog to help not only educate people about the normalacy of life for people who have disabilities, but for a support for those who live with one.
Today is one of those day. My middle son, Jimmy has Asperger's Syndrome and one of the components of AS is teh inability to comprehend someone else's point of view. This morning Jimmy was doing pretty good and he went to school on time and seemingly happy. Meanwhile I have done something to my back and amin alot of pain, so much so that it is impossible to move at moments. When Jimmy came home he wanted to watch t.v. and I told him, "Please take the dog out, then you can watch t.v." Well, Jimmy thought that was just too much to ask for. So, he threw himself on the coach and said "fine, I'm just going to lay here then!" So I let him, after about 20 minutes, he decided he really wanted to watch t.v. so he took the dog out. He seemed happy at that point and watched Discovery channel's "mythbusters" (very cool show btw)
Since I have been unable to move, I asked a friend to get us some food at alocal place and he and Charles did so. When Charles was giving Jimmy his food, Jimmy started insulting Charles for he was just standing there holding Jimmy's drink and didn't know where to put it, since Jimmy wanted to eat in the living room. FInally Charles gave up trying to be nice and just put the drink down. I told Jimmy that Charles was being nice and there was no need for insults or anger. Well that did it, he got mad at me and threw his fries at me and then ripped his burger in two and threw it all over the living room and stormed up stairs yelling and insulting me. I told him he was not having dinner tonight and that he needed to show more respect to me. That did not go over well at all, but I felt I had to say something. At moments like this I knew better than to chase after him. When people with AS have meltdown's there is no reasoning with them at all. They are right and that is it. He will go to great lengths to show his displeasure at being told he is wrong.
I was about in tears, but held back for there was no use in crying over thrown fries. I couldn't pick them up, I couldn't bend over. I have spent the day in utter agony adn the last thing I wanted was to be insulted, yelled at and have food thrown at me. Last time he had a melt down he threw several of my audio books off the shelf and threw them down the stiars breaking the cases and causing damage to them. I have had consequences for him and this is a new facat to his temper. He threw things when he was 5 and then stopped until just recently and I'm telling you I don't know what to do about it, besides doing what i normally do. Take privildges away and telling him that his behavior is unacceptable.
I realize that many parents have problems with thei teenagers with hormones and aggression, but adding AS on to that is like adding kerosene to a bond fire. There are going to be major sparks!
Anyway, the dog had feast on fries, and burger debris, and my youngest vacuumed up the rest and cleaned the sauce mess off the coach thankfully. but holy cow. I wish his father was around so I could ship him over there for a day or two. Anyway, I feel I need a break but in this pain I can't go anywhere so, I'll just pray that the Lord will guide me through this trial! He always does! :) Have a good day everyone!


  1. So sorry to hear about the bad day. AS is a difficult thing to handle, but you can do it. =) Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

  2. Sorry for the hard day and the back pain. Nothing's worse than that. Meltdowns are tough business. Keep on keepin' on. I truly believe the Lord hears and answers prayers.
